Bharatanatyam is considered to be one of the Indian classical dance forms. It is an art of dance and music for the body, mind and soul. The classes include warm-up based on yoga, strong training in Nritta (pure dance) and Abhinaya (expression). Technical details regarding rhythm and music for Bharatanatyam are also explained.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Surya Namaskar

Do you want to be fit for life? Yoga is the way to go. Start out by doing the Surya Namaskar every morning.

Yoga has hit the mainstream, and is the next cool thing on the block. Ever since Madonna's started talking about it, the entire world is queuing up for
their first headstand. More and more people all around the world are discovering its health and spiritual benefits. So isn't it about time you gave this fantastic practice a shot?

What you will need

A quiet room, an uncarpeted floor, a towel, sheet, mat or chatai.

When should you do it

The earlier, the better. It's best if you do it the first thing in the morning, after attending to your daily rituals. Do the Surya Namaskar before eating
anything though, or you'll be sorry!!

The Steps

Stand at the top of your mat or towel with your feet together and your hands in the Namaste position, in front of your chest.

Breathing IN, extend your hands straight above your head. Arch your back slightly till you feel the stretch in your spine.

Breathing OUT, bend down as far as possible. Try to touch your toes without bending your knees.

Breathe IN. Bend your left knee and keeping your left foot in front, stretch your right leg out behind you. Keep the right knee on the floor. Lift your head and look straight ahead.

Hold your breath, straighten your left leg also behind you, so now both legs are stretched behind you. Lower yourself slightly, so you are in a push-up pose, with elbows straight.

Bend your elbows and lower yourself, keeping your stomach and butt off the floor. You can touch your chest and the rest of your body to the mat.

Lift yourself up chest-first, straightening your elbows.

Exhale. Lift yourself up keeping your hands on the floor, forming a V-shape with your body.

Inhale. Put your right foot in front with your left foot at the back, with the left knee on the floor. Look straight ahead.

As you exhale, bring your left foot forward in line with the right foot. Stand and bend forward, touching hands to your toes. If you can't touch your toes, don't worry. It's just a matter of time before you will be able to. And if you can touch them easily, try touching your head to your knees.

Inhale. Keep your feet together and lean back, stretching your arms behind you.

Exhale. Come back to the center with your arms at your sides.

Repeat the Surya Namskar about 5 to 7 times, and keep alternating your legs.

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